About Us

About Us

Rural Consultancy Company Limited is a survey, training and consultancy private company; Limited by shares, registered under the Companies Act, 2002, reg. no. 58256 on 2006 with its head office in Dodoma Tanzania. The Company is established by a team of professionals pulling in the nine years experience in Rural Financial Services Development and from the diverse academic and professional backgrounds having firsthand experiences in rural community development, Rural Finance, Cooperatives (AMCOS and SACCOS), planning, project management, entrepreneurship and SMEs development.

The Company provides high quality short course training in Microfinance, Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in organization and management, Micro and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship development, book keeping and accounts, financial management and monitoring and evaluation. The Company also provides baseline surveys, monitoring and evaluation and report writing services.

The Company embarks on providing clients from Rural and Urban Microfinance Institutions, with training and advisory services in areas of Community Mobilization and training on Book keeping and accounts, Supervision, Governance and management, Business management and entrepreneurship, the Company also extends training, monitoring and evaluation services to Public, Private, and Civil societies.

The company has dynamic experiences in Rural Finance Services development, community mobilization, design and management, inspection, linkage and networking. The Company has also a long experience in conducting training in book keeping and accounting, conducting inspection and baseline audit for MFIs and AMCOS.

The Company has a unique experience from individual members in designing and conducting training on participatory monitoring and evaluation systems, report writing. The Company had acquired experiences through working with Rural Financial Services Programme in rural communities in the semi arid climatic condition in central, coastal and Northern Tanzania.

The Company orients young graduates in volunteer works in areas of rural finance, microfinance organization and development, agriculture; civil and village development, to enable them acquire necessary experience for employment or self employment. The Company also empowers youth who have no formal jobs to create income generating activities.

Our Core Values

RCCL- Sharing knowledge for development

RCCL has core values which embody the implementation and behavior of services delivery to our clients. RCCL believes of the following core values:

Partnership – RCCL understands that the world is full of diversity, the diversity is for complimentarily

Service - we promote services that will bring lasting positive change towards human empowerment to rule

Humanity - we understand we are created to save the creation and make decent life out of our duty.

Priority - Our first thing is service satisfaction of our dear clients.

Participatory - we believe in knowledge, skills and experiences sharing with our client.

Learning - learning is a life process and it takes different forms- form and informal, learning makes leading.

Knowledge - true knowledge is shared and effectual to change the surrounding in human is deem to.

Empowerment - is a product of several processes and is a life long

Directorate of Research, Training Publication

Responsible for all matters pertaining consultancy, Research, Training, Monitoring and Evaluation, Extension services, and publications.

Directorate of Production, Quality Control & Marketing

Responsible for directing all production, quality control and marketing activities of the company.

Directorate of Finance, Audit and Administration

The directorate is responsible for Financial, Audit and Administration activities of this company.

Directorate of Microfinance and Enterprises Development

The Directorate is responsible for the rural and Urban Microfinance Development, Small enterprises and entrepreneurship skills development.

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