Our training services targets
to meet specific needs of the following sectors:

SACCOS, VICOBA and Other Microfinance
Community based organizations and
community groups and grouping
Credit microfinance
Members rights and obligations
Inspections to cooperative officer
SACCOS Business plan
Financial inspection and special
investigation in MFIs,
Warehouse system and
record Management,
including purchase system

The Company individual members and as a team have experiences in community development survey approaches such as PRA, and in participatory monitoring and evaluation, apart from rural financial services development. We have carried out Training and consultancy services

  1. Conducted participatory monitoring and evaluation for District Investment Programme (DASIP), Programme Implementation team
  2. Conducted training to 17 MFIs/SACCOS Managers on Effective Financial Management and Effective operations of the MFIs/SACCOS from Dodoma and Singida regions
  3. Conducted training to 32 SACCOS managers and Book keepers in computer application and Quick books software operations for SACCOS, in Dodoma and Singida regions the training had vitalized reporting in the Institutions.
  4. Provide advisory services on the formation, organization and management of Kondoa SACCOS Joint Enterprise Limited (UVAMIKO) the institution which aim at strengthening SACCOS in the district for the MFIs sustainability, MFIs leaders agreed to form the viable self running Joint Enterprise to undertake the coordination role and carry out the Programme activities and other duties assigned in the bylaws, through the collaboration with different stake holders.
  5. Provide advisory services to Village Savings and Lending Associations (VSLA) for Makuro Ward in Singida, Soya and Itiso in Kondoa
  6. MFIs/SACCOS Chairpersons and vice chairpersons training on 18-19/10/2010 in Dodoma
  7. MFIs/SACCOS Managers training on Effective Financial Management for Singida and Dodoma in November from 25th to 29th, 2010
  8. Conducted training on Business management and Entrepreneurship for 300 MFI members of Mkombozi Soko Kuu SACCOS in Kondoa
  9. Conducted training on SACCOS members right, obligations and entrepreneurship
  10. Conduct internal audit for 29 the Microfinance Institutions  in Singida and Dodoma regions
  11. Conduct special reconciliation and upadating books of accounts for Majengo Sokoni SACCOS
  12. Updating and pereparing finacial report for Tumaini SACCOS – Manyoni
  13. Conduct warehouse receipt and entrepreneurship training for 150 member of CAMILU SACCOS, the training organized by RLDC-Dodoma
  14. conduct credit management training for 11 SACCOS for Dodoma and Singida Regional
  15. Formation and development of Water User Association (Nguvumali and Mtazamo Cooperative societies-Bahi rice farmers)
  16. Conducting Financial Management training to WAU of Nguvumali and Mtazamo cooperative societies for board members
  17. Facilitate closing books of accounts for Dodoma Municipal Walimu Teachers Cooperative Societies.
  18. Participated in participatory monitoring and evaluation staff training for Rural Financial Services Staff in Central zone.
  19. Conducted Final Programme impact assessment for Rural Finance Services Programme (RFSP)
  20. Carried out participatory growth monitoring of SACCOS worked with RFSP on semi annuals and produced reports with recommendations for improvement
  21. Carried out Microfinance Institutions growth stages assessments in Central zone for Rural Financial Services Programme
  22. Participated in Programme impact assessment in Central zone, Rural Financial services Programme April, 2010
  23. Supported 50 SACCOS in Dodoma and Singida to develop institutional and business development plans, under RFSP

Membership Reach

From inception to March 2016, we have been working with SACCOS, AMCOS and Groups in terms of capacity building in the area of leadership, financial managements, credit managements, and book keeping and specialized services. 

Also from October 2015 we have been working with Producer Empowerment and Market Linkage (PEML) program in Iramba District, is being implemented in five wards of Ulemo, Shelui, Mtoa, Mgongo and Ntwike for the sunflower value chain (VC). The aim of the program is to strengthen the capacity of producer groups, processors and marketing associations in accessing profitable markets competitively.

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