Schedule of Trainings we offer




Leadership and governance of SACCOS

Principles for successful SACCOS

Microfinance towards Poverty reduction

Bookkeeping and Accounting for SACCOS


  • Legal and organizational structure of SACCOS
  • Principles of good governance
  • Board responsibilities
  • Management and Staff
  • Team work
  • Performance Measurement and Evaluation
  • Measuring effective governance
  • Understand the basic principles on which microfinance is organized

  • Microfinance models and characteristics

  • Designing a microfinance programme - client identification, product design, information systems, human resource and financing

  • Member rights and obligations

  • Causes and effects of poverty

  • The visual cycle of poverty

  • Microfinance services for poverty reduction

  • Introduction to accounting – definitions, key principles and applicability to SACCOS

  • Basics: Debit, Credit, the Chart of accounts and the Accounting Cycle

    • Treatment of Interest, Equity etc.
    • Specific microfinance accounting issues


  • Financial statements, portfolio report – overview

  • Recording and summarizing transactions


5 Days
4 Days
3 Days
14 Days

Find your Training here!

Schedule of Trainings we offer to SACCOS Members, Board Members, Credit Committee members Supervisory Members, Managers, Book keepers and ordinary members

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