PEML Project Achievement

The Producer Empowerment and Market Linkages (PEML) sunflower project which is being implemented in Iramba district has been well received by the target beneficiaries, sunflower producers and processors. The project which mainly focuses on improving the livelihood of small holder sunflower producers and processors through increased outputs, sales, market linkages and improved post-harvest management activities, have already shown signs of success in just a few months of implementation. The positive signs are well being observed in the farmers and the community that surrounds them, as a result of close supervision, collaboration and good working relationships between the value chain actors, service provider the Rural Consult Company Limited (RCCL), and the Iramba District Council. These efforts are well demonstrated by the following key results on the project.

Use of improved seeds and following best agronomic practices

Part of the project goals is to improve the farmers’ production activities by linking them with input suppliers and capacitate them on agronomical practices. Through backward linkage, farmers have been able to acquire improved seeds which produce more yield than the recycled seeds they normally use. The uptake on the use of high yielding seed variety has been good; farmers are willing to buy the seeds given a reliable source. This was very successful given RCCL’s intervention by linking the producers with the seed supplier. At the same time, knowledge on agronomical best practices was provided to small holder farmers which allowed them to plant their sunflower fields by the required mechanism/procedure. This further led to the possibility of linking the producers to the most reliable buyers who are happy to buy the seeds with high oil content unlike in the past.

Increase in Production output and Reduction in Production Cost

Through the capacity building activities facilitated by RCCL through PEML project, smallholder producers have been able to increase the productivity and therefore offsetting the high costs of production. Many producers have witnessed an increase in the harvest during this harvest season due to the use of improved seeds and the use of best farming practices. One of the farmers, Mr. Jumanne H. Ndonya from Misigiri village opeml 2f Ulemo ward who has been a sunflower producer for over 17 years, has explained that before the PEML intervention he used to apply traditional farming practices including the use of recycled seeds, which has continuously over years given him less harvest compared to the efforts used in producing the crop. This method provided him with only three (3) bags of sunflower in one acre. Furthermore, the cost of production seemed to be high because over Tshs 10,000/- was used for purchasing seeds from local seed suppliers that were to be used in a 1 acre of land.

However, he has described the output from this harvest season as impeccable because it has increased and mostly due to the use of improved seeds (Record variety) and following best sunflower practices provided by the facilitators from RCCL. Mr. Ndonya has managed to harvest 12 bags from the same one acre; and he further explains that his sunflower field was used by other group members as a farmer filed school, because it demonstrated the best practices. The plans of Mr. Ndonya are to store the harvested sunflower seeds until the time they can fetch a reasonable price; he has planned to use the money to finish building his house.

Another farmer, Ms. Mariamu Zabloni Rajabu has been a sunflower farmer for ten (10) years now; and throughout those years she has been using traditional methods of farming whereby she harvested 7 to 8 bags of sunflower seeds in 1 acre. She has however mentioned that, this agriculture season she has implemented her agriculture activities by following the best practices facilitated by RCCL through the PEML project which includes the use of improved seeds, record variety and her production cost have decreased while her harvests have increased to 18 bags of sunflower seeds in 1 acre.

Ms. Rajabu explained that she processed the sunflower seeds into sunflower oil and obtained 20 gallons of 20ltrs, and 12 additional liters; she further explained that she sold the 20ltr gallons for Tshs 60,000/- each thus making total revenue of 1,200,000 from the twenty gallons. The money obtained from the sales, she used to pay for her children school fees, paid house rent and increased stock for her other business. Ms. Rajabu is a group member form one of the groups that PEML is supporting from Nselembwe village of Shelui Ward.

Both farmers have recommended the use of best sunflower farming practices to all farmers—especially the use of improved sunflower seeds—as instructed by facilitated and agriculture extension officers. It has clearly been observed through their words and responses that the outcomes of being included in the PEML project are beneficial so far and expect more benefits to come as it has only been a year since they have been facilitated by the PEML project. Most of the farmers interviewed admitted to having plans of expanding their sunflower cultivation lands as the benefits are now high.

Lessons learnt:

  • Best farming practices coupled with the right use of inputs (improved high yielding seeds, fertilizers) and a conducive weather the soil will never lie.
  • Collaborative efforts from the project beneficiaries the farmers showing interest to understand new ways of doing things, the district officials willingness to provided extension services and private partners like RCCL working closely all the supporting institutions in the district and all the value chain actor.
  • Strong And Continuous Supervision To Small Holder Producers By Other Institutions Other Than The District Which Is The Key Institution In The District Is Very Crucial As The Case For PEML Initiative. RCCL Being A Private Led Organization Employed By The District To Deliver The PEML Project Is Responsible To Ensure That All Deliverables Are In Line With The Districts Guidance.

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